Product Price Duration

Current License
Total: $6
(15% subscription discount)

Want to play on Hypixel? Use our shop instead!

While our account dispenser service had in the past been targeted to be a cheap tool to play on Hypixel, the goal of our users has shifted in a way that it’s no longer feasible to provide for it. We strongly recommend not to purchase any generator plan for hypixel, as you risk getting little to not even a single unbanned account. Our shop is a much more pleasant experience with 100% checked unbanned accounts.

  • 10 Unique Accounts Per Day
  • 12 Account History
  • 100% Working Accounts *
  • Alt Loader * NEW
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • Copy Button
  • 10 API Limit Daily *
  • High Level and Ranked Accounts *
  • Rare Cape Accounts *
  • 1 Private and Personal Accounts
  • 10 Favorite Accounts
  • Priority Support
  • Ban Checker NEW
  • 1,500 Unique Accounts Per Month
  • 12 Account History
  • 100% Working Accounts *
  • Alt Loader * NEW
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • Copy Button
  • 50 API Limit Daily *
  • High Level and Ranked Accounts *
  • Rare Cape Accounts *
  • Premium Alt Database
  • 1 Private and Personal Accounts
  • 10 Favorite Accounts
  • Priority Support
  • Ban Checker NEW
  • 750 Unique Accounts Per Month
  • 8 Account History
  • 100% Working Accounts *
  • Alt Loader * NEW
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • Copy Button
  • 25 API Limit Daily *
  • High Level and Ranked Accounts*
  • Rare Cape Accounts *
  • Not usable for Hypixel!
  • No Private and Personal Accounts
  • No Favorite Accounts
  • Priority Support
  • 10 Unique Accounts per Day
  • 8 Account History
  • 100% Working Accounts *
  • Alt Loader *
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • Copy Button
  • No Access to Daily API Limit *
  • High Level and Ranked Accounts*
  • Rare Cape Accounts *
  • No Private and Personal Accounts
  • No Favorite Accounts
  • Priority Support

What does API/No API mean?

These keywords in our packages decide whether or not you can access or use applications that use our API. Basically, if you do not have API support in your package then the applications that implement our API will not be able to automatically generate tokens for you. For OQMineBot this means that you will have no functionality, and you will need basic or premium to use TheAltening with that application.

How does the Trial work?

If you select the trial package you'll get access to our highest tier Premium plan for 24 hours for just $0.50. This is a great way to see if thealtening is the right service for you without making a serious commitment, our refund policy also applies here so if you meet that policy and don't like the trial, you can get the fifty cents back. We restrict trial purchases to just first-time buyers and you are only allowed to receive a trial once, the purpose of the trial not being completely free is to prevent abuse as the service does imply dynamic costs to host these trials.

What's the best choice for Hypixel Unbanned Accounts?

If you're looking to save money, generators are a great way to do that. Currently our starter and basic plans don't support Hypixel alts, so if you choose to use a generator then you will need to purchase Premium, as that is the only plan that gets stocked with unbanned accounts. It is worth noting however that alt shops are typically a much better source of unbanneds than generators, as the ban rate will vary with a generator; it will not with a shop. We recommend that if you do play Hypixel and just want unbanned accounts from our generator, that you only purchase them from our shop instead of a plan.

Why should i choose TheAltening over xxx site?

TheAltening is the #1 choice for massive amounts of alts at an incredibly good value. We boast 24/7 support combined with effective technological solutions!

How do i use TheAltening?

If you are not using an API enabled application (these make it much easier to use) You can follow our tutorial for the authenticator.

What are Privates and Favorites?

with the Premium package you get both 10 privates and 10 favorites, here is a description of what they are:
Private: this an account that you can choose to make just yours, nobody else will have access to this account and you can add/remove these as often as you want
Favorite: This is an account that will be "bookmarked" in our system, it will not be exclusive like a privated account however you will not lose access to it.

What is the API Limit?

The API limit is a daily limit for the amount of accounts that can be generated via API-enabled applications. If you are generating accounts from our website then you do not need to worry about this.

What is the "Premium Database"?

The premium database is an exclusive pool of high quality alts that are only accessible to premium-tier users. Basic and starters users do not get access to this database, making it very fresh.